Gimbal 101 feat. Moza Aircross 3 by Ryan Audencial


Today Ryan Audencial teaches us how to use a gimbal featuring the Moza Aircross 3.

Check out the specs here.


How to balance gimbal:

1. Connect quick release mounting plate.

2. Connect to the base plate.

3. Balance tilt motor then lock axis.

Make sure that when you let the camera go, the camera does not move on its own.

5. Balance roll motor then lock axis.

6. Balance pan motor then lock axis.

7. Once that's done, go into the menu of the gimbal and press autotune.

In the autotune state, it calibrates it on its own.


Follow modes:

1. Pan - left to right

(Tip: Use wrist)

2. Tilt - Up and Down

3. Roll - Slanting 

4. Pan-Tilt - Both Pan and Tilt

5. FPV - Follow all the modes


A tip from Ryan is that when you are using a gimbal, refrain from staying stationary and instead perform wide movements or you might as well have used a tripod.

Here are some samples of the shot types he uses in the video:

1. Track Follow Shot - Following behind the subject

(You can use the underslung mode of the gimbal to get a different look for the video.)

2. Reverse Track Follow Shot - The subject follows you

3. Arc Shot - Circling around the subject while using the pan follow mode. 

You can use techniques together, for example in the video, Ryan uses the track follow and the arc shot together to showcase the movement of the subject.

4. Side Follow Shot - Following the subject from the side.

Tip: Do the "ninja walk" meaning you don't bounce when you walk.


Check out his video to see the gimbal and techniques in action!

If you're interested in purchasing the Moza Aircross 3, feel free to order one here or send us a message on Facebook! 













